This is a friendly reminder that this workshop is psycho-educational, meaning it was designed to serve as teaching and guidance for you and is not independent therapy. Trained Gottman Leaders are available to assist with class exercises, and are not able to conduct therapy.
If you wish to pursue counseling, you can inquire about therapeutic services offered at JoyfulMind Therapy, LLC by emailing You can also find therapists at The Gottman Referral Network, Alma, and Headway
I understand that this workshop is not appropriate for the following:
Non-monogamous relationships – this program does not include the research to best support these relationships
Individuals with active addictions (alcohol, drug, sexual, gambling, etc.), and/or serious mental health issues such as active sucidality, diffiuclty regulating strong emotions, anger and violent outbursts. In these scenarios individual therapy sessions would be more appropriate than a group educational setting.
Participants Agree not to Record or Take Pictures
By registering for this workshop, you agree not to record any audio or video content presented during the session, including presentations, discussions, and Q&A, without prior written consent from the organizers. Any recordings made without authorization will be considered a violation of the agreement.
Consent for Digital Recording
I understand the presenter may record this workshop. The recording will be used for the presenter's professional growth and development, and/or to provide appropriate accommodations for participants who are ill or have an unforeseen emergency.